


HSE Policy

Aljiser Alakhdar CO.

Aljiser Alakhdar Company for General Contracts & TRADING & Transportion , business comprises all the activities related materials supply and maintenance inside oil and Gas fields with provision of logistic service and construction works as well. It is the policy of Aljiser Alakhdar to conduct all of its operations in a manner which protects people and property and strive to improve its health and safety performance. Aljiser Alakhdar recognizes that prevention of accidents, incidents and ill health is essential to the efficient operation of its business. Accordingly, the management of health and safety issues is an integral part of the company’s management arrangements and commands at least equal prominence when balanced against operational and commercial considerations. Aljiser Alakhdar recognizes the value of both its own employees and its contractors and considers their well-being to be a major factor in the success of all its business activities. Aljiser Alakhdar has an established Corporate Integrated Management System in place appropriate to purpose and context of the organization to ensure that:

  1. is a management organization in place which wilThere l plan operations resulting in the provision of safe systems and places of work and the effective management of health and safety at all of its operated sites.
  1. It provides the necessary training for its employees and contractors to ensure that they have the knowledge and capability to conduct operations in a safe manner.
  1. It co-operates with its contractors, who also have defined responsibilities for health and safety, to provide safe and healthy work places.
  2. Adequate contingency plans for emergency situations are developed and implemented far all of its operations. There is effective security for personnel and company assets based on risk assessment at all operated locations and during travel to and from locations.
  1. It consults with its employees on matters affecting their health and safety.
  2. It complies with all applicable health and safety legislation.
  3. Aljiser Alakhdar will ensure that all its contractors are fully aware of the company’s health and safety policies and

the applicable legal requirements to any of the activities carried out for and on its behalf and shall require that such policy is observed and complied with by its contractors.

This Health and Safety Policy is communicated inside organization and is available for interested parties and shall be applied at all Aljiser Alakhdar operated locations. Aljiser Alakhdar will review and audit all aspects of the management system to ensure that it is being complied with and to seek improvements to the system. The management system will continue to be actively developed in line with the development of Aljiser Alakhdar business activities.
Although overall responsibility for health and safety rests with Aljiser Alakhdar, and ultimately the CEO, every employee and contractor must recognize their own responsibilities (in particular, any specific responsibilities under
legislation, or delegated to them as individuals) to ensure the health and safety of themselves and others.